Il progetto dell’Acquario di Tianjin è inserito all’interno dell’area di sviluppo di Binhai, come polo di attrazione culturale e scientifica.
La dinamicità delle forme dell’edificio esprimono il movimento e la fluidità di un elemento naturale quale l’acqua in rapporto con l’ecosistema marino.
Il percorso principale si inserisce nell’asse centrale dell’edificio servendo più livelli. Attraverso una percorrenza continua si visitano gli spazi espositivi suddivisi per temi, ambienti marini ed ecosistemi, conducendo il visitatore ad una esperienza completa degli abissi e dei suoi abitanti. Le Vasche principali sono attraversate da tunnel realizzati con pareti divisorie in acrilico trasparente facendo in modo che il visitatore possa vivere sensazioni particolari e divertenti grazie al contatto ravvicinato con la natura marina.
L’edificio è completato esternamente da attività di appoggio quali negozi, bar e ristoranti e un parco urbano dedicato al tempo libero.
The Tianjin Aquarium is designed to be a dramatic and attractive addition to the Tianjin Binhai New Area development.
The simple yet dynamic form of the building is intended to express the movement and fluidity of water as well as the delicate balance of ocean ecosystems. A multi-level circulation spine runs through the center of the building from which visitors will encounter and access a number of engaging and mysterious underwater and terrestrial exhibits. After circulating through ticketing and an initial introduction exhibit experience, visitors will be guided to the highest level of the building via an escalator where they can enjoy an unobstructed view of the sea in the distance. From there, as they slowly circulate down through the aquarium on gently descending ramps, visitors will encounter numerous and stunning views of carefully arranged living and interactive exhibits and will be provided with areas to sit, ponder, and enjoy the magical underwater world within the aquarium.
The underside of the building’s oval roof will be internally illuminated to express the presence of living creatures and environments within the aquarium and accentuate the flowing curves of the aquarium’s enclosure. The building’s simple yet memorable form will serve as a beacon and visual landmark within the entire development. The aquarium’s external walls and solar shading structures will be specifically designed to control and modulate natural light to minimize energy consumption and assist in the visitors’ gradual transition from daylight into the relatively darker environment of the aquarium’s underwater exhibits. Environmental sustainable materials and building systems will be utilized throughout the aquarium complex.
The aquarium is organized around a landscaped plaza, reinforced by surrounding retail and food service activities, which is intended to serve as a vibrant public place and amenity for the entire development. The building is oriented diagonally on the site to accentuate the visual relationship of the aquarium to the waterfront and address planned vehicular circulation paths. Adequate parking will be provided on-site to further enhance public access to the aquarium complex.
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Dimension: 5.000 sqm
Cost: 30.000.000,00 euro
Task: feasibility study
Date: 2008
Project leader with S. Ciuhi for
Architettiriuniti + COSESTUDI-USA + D'Apollonia